Almost Live: Rock Stack Explained (Ep.8)
Adventure, Documentary, Special Interest, UR
Thomas is in one of the roughest areas he has been in this year. The area was thick with briers and high weeds. The high weeds hid potholes and rocks. He fines a few interesting things during this journey, including a Rock Stack. Rock stacks are sometimes thought to be made by Bigfoot. He explains how and why this one was made.
Almost Live: Ginseng Hunting & Bigfoo...
This is ginseng season. The time of year that Thomas is in the mountains more than normal. He enjoys hunting ginseng and it gives him yet another reason to walk the mountains. It also gives him more opportunities to search for bigfoot related evidence. He travels into areas he normally does not g...
Almost Live: Sick, But Doing it Anywa...
Thomas is not feeling very good but it sure didn't stop him from enjoying a nice day in the mountains. He covers a large area hunting for ginseng and looking for possible bigfoot sign. He finds several things that you might find interesting.
Almost Live: More Bigfoot and Game Ca...
On this particular day, Thomas returns to set up several game cameras. This is the area where he recently found several stick formations. He also shows you several other interesting things from his neck of the woods.